Kia Ora Bloggers I am going to be taking you on a journey,
A Journey that will teach you about the ways of the Mud
A Journey that will teach you about how Mud Was born
A Journey that will teach you about the Mud prophecy
Let us begin,
It all started long long ago in a place named Mud Land. The people in mud land were very pore and usually didn't have enough money for food. There was one family of Mud people that wasn't pore, in fact they were rich. That had all of the dirt and all of the water. They were the original Mud people. Living for Hundreds of thousands of years. The Mud People worshipped the elders but the People didn't have a choice. The elders Took what they wanted throwing the people of Mud Land into chaos. The Mud People would not except that fact they were living to serve the elders. The people of Mud Land came together and disgust a plan. At Dawn 1st of January they all came together getting ready for the master plan they had constructed, grabbing swords and clubs the Mud People charged the castle that the elders had forced the Mud People to construct. The Elder woke with a start. They heard banning and it wasn't the bang of a tree falling down in the wind or a rouge wind blowing down some tall artefact. It was banning of hundreds of clubs and swords hitting the fount gate of the castle. It was another 20 seconds before the sirens began to wail. The sirens that told every guard in the castle that the weak Mud Land People had declared War and they would not wait for the Elders to prepare. WOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOO That was the sound that the Elders solders woke up to. Clarese one of they newest solders eyes flew open. What is that noise? Clarese thought to herself. Wait I know this noise, this is the noise we trained on last week it mean the Mud People were declaring wait WAR.
Clarese jumped out of bed grabbed a spear and ran for the battle field.
This is Part one of the MUD series.
This is true and is what inspired me to become a preferential mud eater.
Part Two coming soon
MUD Ya Later