Kia Ora Bloggers this is some work. Hope you like it, Blog Ya Later
Friday, 29 October 2021
Halloween writing
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, this is some Halloween writing. It was fun to complete and want to hard to find the write words. Have you done any writing lately? Blog ya Later

Thursday, 28 October 2021
WebCamToy tutorial.
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, we don't have the budget to make finish this sentence. Blog Ya Later
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, This is a presentation that i completed with some of my best friends Isaac and Leo
It was enjoyable to complete and wasn't to hard. How much media have you done in the past 24 hours? Blog Ya Later
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Felix and Awesome Isaac's slide that we made together
Kia Ora Bloggers, Felix here, this is a poster that I made with my one of my best Friends Isaac.
It was fun to think about all of the stuff that I enjoy and It wasn't very hard. What is your Favorite thing to do? Blog Ya Later!
Saturday, 23 October 2021
Learning to BACK FLIP in 48 hours
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, BOY do we have a fun one. I learned how to BACK FLIP in 2 days. I hurt myself once but that didn't stop me from absolutely having the greatest time recording! Do you wanna learn. If a lot of people comment YES! I will do a tutorial on how. Was that fun to watch? Blog Ya Later
(I'm going to be learning a bunch of tricks in this lock down keep checking out my blog to see more tricks!)
Thursday, 21 October 2021
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Quality Poster.... That's me
Kia Ora Bloggers, how are these lock down days going?. this is a presentation that I completed with my good friend Leo. we completed it quite quickly and we enjoyed looking through our comments to find the perfect ones. What was your favorite slide? Mine was the last one. It was enjoyable to complete with Leo and hope you enjoy it too. Blog Ya Later
Monday, 18 October 2021
How to post Quality edition.