Friday 18 June 2021


 Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, A couple of days ago my class and I did a performance  for the Fresh and Smooth play. It was really fun and my favorite part was the bit were we split into two circle and went around the stage. I was an albatross and my friend was the yogurt container Smooth. If you do a production a good tip is to not be embarrassed if you stuff up just go with it. Blog Ya Later


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi this is AHmed from mt albert ponsonby blog ya later.

    1. Hello Felix here, Thanks for the comment. Maybe next time you can give me advice to help me if I am doing anything wrong or tell me what you like? Blog Ya Later

  3. Hi it’s Zac from room 8 here, I really like your post about the production, I was Smooth. I was unable to play the video because I need access. My favrite bit was when Smooth was talking. Check out my blog at Zac’s Blog blog you late
