Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, this is an animation that me and Tui Made. Its a animation about a guy that wants to get to his home but he has to do hard work. Hope you like it Blog Ya Later
Thursday, 9 December 2021
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here. This is my end of year collage. I gathered photos of me at my time at Owairaka. It was fun to go throw all of the photos and wasn't to hard. Do you know where any of these photos are taken? Blog Ya Later
Tuesday, 7 December 2021
Kia Ora Bloggers this is the session 4 writing prompt that I completed today. It was fun to create and not to hard. Do you like to write? Blog Ya Later!
I thought I was dead but I could feel the pain in my neck. I sat up. I was in a paradise, well mostly a paradise. Everything was great except for the giant dragons fighting in the sky. I crawled back. Fire roared out of the dragon's mouth. The sharp teeth that lined their gums would have been enough to kill any creature. I stood up, unaware about the blood dripping from the gash on my neck. One dragon was tiring out, Its attacks were getting slower. The dragon tried to fly higher but the other dragon got a blast of flames in the dragon's vulnerable belly. The dragon fell to the ground. It dissolved into a pile of ashes and mist. My heart rate slowed until I looked up and saw the dragon was looking at me. My knife would not be enough. I opened my eyes and found myself in a misty field. I heard the howling of wolves. Where was I? I took a step, the crunch of leaves under my feet just let everybody know where I was. Another howl broke the silence after I gave away my position. Suddenly the wolfs were upon me, A large circle surrounding me. A wolf, bigger than the rest. It pushed through the lines of wolves until it was in the inner circle with me. I pulled out my pocket knife, I always kept it with me. I flicked out the longest blade. The wolf's eyes narrowed as if it knew what I was holding in my hand and it knew what it could do. The wolf lunged at me, I jumped out the way and swung my arm. I contacted the wolf's soft coat. I pierced the wolf's skin, a large gash wouldn't stop the wolf. It whinnied as it slowly got up. It glared at me. Below it a small puddle of blood lay on the ground. I glanced at my blade, it was dyed red. The wolf lunged again, I dodged to the left and spun around. The wolf's wound was not slowing it down. It lunged at me again, but before I could slash it it pushed off my arm leaping over me. I spun around, Before I could stab the wolf, It lugged biting my neck, A split second of pain before my vision went black.I stood at the foot of the ring of fire. The heat that radiated made the frosty night feel warm and chaotic. The fumes of fire in the air made my eyes water. I focused on what was in the fire. Lots of wood, dry leaves, but in the century lay a metal prism. I decided that this is the only lead on this investigation that I had, so I leaped in the flames. I grabbed the charred metal. My hand burned, I jumped out of the flames. I was quick enough so my clothes didn't catch fire, but my hand touched a piece of heated metal. Black spots danced around my eyesight. I clutched my wrist. I glanced down at the prism. I had to cool it down. There was a bucket of water nearby. I used my boot to kick the heavy prism. I expected it to sing at the end of my boot but it didn't. I carefully touched it with the tip of my hand. It was cold to the touch. I picked it up, my hand instantly felt cold like i was holding ice. I shook the metal prism. Black shadows seemed to leak out of the prism. I turned around, the black shadows were engulfing me. Soon all I could see was shadows. I closed my eyes. What was going on?
Monday, 6 December 2021
Recoloring photo Nasa cool fun not really
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, if you have done the fist activity you know what this is. It is a recoloring of a photo taken by N.A.S.A. I recolored it with the colors that i thought matched the most. Have you done one of these? Blog Ya Later!
Friday, 3 December 2021
Story stuff cool not really
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here. this is a slide show that i completed. It was fun to completed. Whats fairy tails does this story remind you of? Blog Ya Later!
Thursday, 2 December 2021
Writing Prompt 2
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, this is another task that I completed just the other day. It was pretty easy to find the words and I had fun making this writing piece. Here it is
My trembling hands gripped the large umbrella handle tightly as I stared dreamly into the summer wonderland. The thunder and lightning mixed with the pouring rain made me want to enter the warm grassy plain. I closed my eyes. It's a trick there's always a price. My feet felt cold as they sunk deeper into the oozing mud. I glanced down at my feet. I was nearly stuck if I wanted to enter the grassy field it had to be now. Suddenly I had the urge to enter. I reached out, my hands drifted into the summer field going straight through the soft fabric. The summer breeze pulled me up and my dirty clothes dried and my wet hair un knotted and felt smooth. Then the scene changed and I was sitting in a grey forest and a looming house sat before me. I felt vines creeping up my leg. I ripped them off only just realizing that this was a house of a witch. My eyes grew wide, I was shaking violently. A cold trickled down my back like a small river. I felt a hand resting on my shoulder, a shiver warty hand. I turned and no one was there. I creeped toward the house, stopping every couple of steps to look around and make sure no one was watching me. I reached the front of the house, I slowly came up to the door. The door had cracks and a boarded up window. I could hear footsteps beyond the door. A cackling sound came from behind the door. I wanted to creep away but I didn’t. I heard the steps again, they were getting fainter. Whoever owned this house just went up stairs. I turned the door handle, a loud screech split the silence. The footsteps stopped. I turned around, but I couldn't run because standing behind me was a witch. I pushed her over and ran. Suddenly I couldn't get air into my lungs. I tried to run but I doubled over. Where was my air? I closed my eyes. I heard the witch getting closer, then the steps stopped. It was silent. I open my eyes. I was at the bottom of a large underwater city. I was going to pass out, so I swam to the surface. 20 feet, 10. I started to thrash around. The shortage of air was making me thrash uncontrollably. I was inches away from the surface, That's when my vision went… Black My eyes fluttered open, I instantly clutched my hands to my head. The salt water stung my eyes. I was confused, how am I breathing? I thought to myself. I glanced around, I saw sunken cars, the base of buildings covered in sand and coral. I was curious. I looked at the surface. I floated upright. I swam up to the surface. I heard a low pitched howling sound. Underwater it sounds kinda like a whale. I looked around, I swam in a circle and when I came back to the direction that I was facing at the start I was face to face with a big bulking turtle. He whined as if to say, well look who decided to show up. He turned smoothly in the cold water and glided away. Once I broke the surface the problem was clear. The entire city was underwater. And above was a whirlpool. Not just a normal whirlpool. A giganshous massive stinken whirlpool. The problem. The animals were making it.
Friday, 26 November 2021
Voices in the paek
Thursday, 25 November 2021
Kia Ora Bloggers, Felix here. This is a story writing that I Wrote over the course of three days. I enjoyed writing it and liked posting it to my blog. It wasn't to difficult to find the write words. What do you think will happen next? Maybe you could write what you think will happen after the story ends! Blog Ya Later!
My eyes darted around the dark scenery, I glanced down at my trembling hands. The moon's dreamy light made the crow's gloomy eyes glint menacingly. The Rotten steps that lead up to the dark tower squeaked, threatening to snap under my weight.
A sharp squawk split the silence as my heart rate slowed and my hand rested on the door handle. My muscles were tense as I rotated the door handle. A light mist came out the bottom of the door, making me scared to find out where the locket was hidden. I pushed on the large door and it drifted open, a light grey mist covering dead leaves that rested on the ground. I took a step, the crunch when I put my foot down just made me more alert and focused on my mission. Then I spotted it, the golden key. Garding it was a small crow that had its lifeless eyes pinned on me.
I reached down and snatched the locket up. I could hear the ticking of the clock. I stared at the crow waiting for a response or a cry but I heard nothing. I turned toward the door and casually walked out. There seemed to be more crows resting one the trees than before. When I put the locket in my pocket one bird screeched. A high pitched scream that flowed down the valley. All of the birds looked at me, I ran but before I got to the edge of the gate the birds had surrounded me flying so close I could barely see. The birds started to move in. I was blinded by the flapping of wings, then the birds cleared and I immediately reached to my pocket, the locket was gone. I looked around realizing I was at the edge of the world.
The realization that those birds that took me to the edge of the world hit like a truck. My heart was beating violently, I let out a cry of frustration. Why had the birds taken me here? What did it have to do with the Locket? Where did the key go? Where would I go next? I took a half step, pausing before I let my foot rest on the ground. If the crows took me here, they could take me back. With this idea in the back of my head it was hard to concentrate on survival.
It took me half an hour to find a dead bush and turn it into a fire. It wasn't dark yet not even close, the tower's magic made the area gloomy. I tried to find the birds but couldn't, then a loud boom trembled across the flat landscape. A low boom that made every muscle in my body tremble. I looked up and saw a Meteor coming for me. In a split second the meteor had come so much closer than before, I ran like the wind, I ran until my legs couldn't carry me. The meteor smashed into the ground like a rocket. I was thrown to the ground by the massive shock wave. My arms were heavy, I could barely sit myself up. I looked at the meteor and realized what it was… The master of time.
Friday, 12 November 2021
Final bird slide... Yipi
Kia Ora Bloggers, Felix here. This is some work that I did. Hope you enjoy it. Blog ya Later
Thursday, 11 November 2021
Monday, 8 November 2021
Friday, 5 November 2021
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, this is a slide that me and my friend completed together, it was enjoyable to collect the facts and put them in. It didn't take us to long to complete. Do you know any bird facts? Blog Ya Later!
Team Seas
Kia Ora Bloggers, Felix here. This is a poster that I made to promote Team Seas, A Faction made to help clean up the oceans. This is just really cool how people we don't even know are helping clean up 20 million Tons of trash from the oceans. If you have the time, Please ask your parents if they can Donate o maybe you can donate, ask neighbors and family if they can to. every Dollar donated is one pound of trash that come out of the ocean. Blog Ya Later!
Tuesday, 2 November 2021
Hey Dudes this is some work. I made it with Isaac and Leo. It was hard to find some information but it was fun to complete overall. Do you have a question for me? Blog Ya Later
Kia Ora Bloggers, This is the sequel to my other book, Father in rugby, It took me some time and was enjoyable to make. Blog Ya Later
Monday, 1 November 2021
Birds are um.. cool and stuff
What up Blogger Fam, its your boy um... Felix. anyway this is a slide about birds that I completed, it wasn't to difficult to choose the bird and was fun to write down the reasons I like the bird. Whats your favorite bird? Blog Ya Later!
Kia Ora bloggers Felix here, this is a story that I created. Its a it of a joke and wass not to hard to make. Did you find it funny? Blog ya Later
Friday, 29 October 2021
Halloween writing
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, this is some Halloween writing. It was fun to complete and want to hard to find the write words. Have you done any writing lately? Blog ya Later

Thursday, 28 October 2021
WebCamToy tutorial.
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, we don't have the budget to make finish this sentence. Blog Ya Later
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, This is a presentation that i completed with some of my best friends Isaac and Leo
It was enjoyable to complete and wasn't to hard. How much media have you done in the past 24 hours? Blog Ya Later
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Felix and Awesome Isaac's slide that we made together
Kia Ora Bloggers, Felix here, this is a poster that I made with my one of my best Friends Isaac.
It was fun to think about all of the stuff that I enjoy and It wasn't very hard. What is your Favorite thing to do? Blog Ya Later!
Saturday, 23 October 2021
Learning to BACK FLIP in 48 hours
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, BOY do we have a fun one. I learned how to BACK FLIP in 2 days. I hurt myself once but that didn't stop me from absolutely having the greatest time recording! Do you wanna learn. If a lot of people comment YES! I will do a tutorial on how. Was that fun to watch? Blog Ya Later
(I'm going to be learning a bunch of tricks in this lock down keep checking out my blog to see more tricks!)
Thursday, 21 October 2021
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Quality Poster.... That's me
Kia Ora Bloggers, how are these lock down days going?. this is a presentation that I completed with my good friend Leo. we completed it quite quickly and we enjoyed looking through our comments to find the perfect ones. What was your favorite slide? Mine was the last one. It was enjoyable to complete with Leo and hope you enjoy it too. Blog Ya Later
Monday, 18 October 2021
How to post Quality edition.
Thursday, 16 September 2021
Monday, 13 September 2021
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
Monday, 6 September 2021
Kia Ora Bloggers, can you guess what this is. WORK. I completed this with my friend leo. I hope you like it. Blog Ya Later
Friday, 3 September 2021
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Monday, 30 August 2021
Kia Ora Bloggers, Felix here, Like the last post this one is also about volcanoes. Log Ya Later
Kia Ora Bloggers, Felix here, me and my two friends, Leo and Isaac. Its about a news paper that we made about Everest erupting. Hope you like it. Log ya Later
Thursday, 26 August 2021
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Red Ridding Hood
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, this is the work that my class was assigned. Its about red and all of the point of views. I also saved time by putting the doc in the same post. All of the different stories have 1st 2nd and 3rd person. Overall I think that the author is to always correct.
Monday, 9 August 2021
Kia ora bloggers Felix here, this is my and my Friend Isaac's (Check Out His Blog) Poster about STOPPING at the right time. If you have any advice for us comment on me and Isaac's Blog.
Thanks for checking out me and Isaac's blogs and I will see you guys next time. BYE
Tuesday, 3 August 2021
The Present
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here. this is my work on the video clip called the present.
We had to do this writing in 100 words and I smashed it.
If you have any advice for me comment below.
Have you see the present?
Blog Ya Later!
Monday, 26 July 2021
Science in a Van!
Kia Ora Bloggers.
My days started with a BIG BANG!! We did science in a van. It was exciting and I really enjoyed it and I hope you get a chance to do it to.
We learned that there were 3 states of matter, Solid, liquid and gas.
They put two aluminium cans on a hot plate and they heated up a lot. They had a little bit of water in them as well. They put them in water and BANG the can crushed and water shoot up into the cans. It was frightening the first time because no one was expecting it but the next time it was fun!
We also learnt that there are atoms and if there are a lot of atoms they make a molecule.
If you could go to the show what would be your favorite part? Blog Ya Later!
Wednesday, 7 July 2021
Quality Blog Post
Kia Ora Bloggers this is my work of quality blog post! It took me some time but i'm sure it was worth it! If you have some advice for me comment, if you don't still comment. Blog Ya Later
Smart Footprint Refection
Extraordinary Characters
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, this is my work on what Matariki mean in English. If you have advice comment if you don't also comment. It took m like 5 minutes. If you have done anything like this put a link in the comments! Blog Ya Later
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
Extraordinary character
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, this is my extraordinary character post. It took some time but it was
totally worth it! I didn't work with a buddy but it still worked out! If you have any advice for me comment if you don't still comment! Blog Ya Later!
Matariki Menu
Kia Ora bloggers Felix here this is my Matariki menu that i made with a fellow class mate. Leo S
It took us a while but it was really fun completing and publishing it. If you have any advice comment and if you don't still comment. Blog Ya Later!
Wairaka DLO
Friday, 2 July 2021
Wairaka animation
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, this is a animation on the story of wairaka. It took me a while but it was fun to complete and publish it. If you have any advice for me comment.
Blog Ya Later!
Thursday, 1 July 2021
Matariki stars
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, This is my Matariki Stars post!
It has all names of the Mataiki stars. It took my like 5 minutes.
Hope you enjoy it!
Blog Ya Later
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, this is my Matariki slide.
I got this information from google.
Friday, 18 June 2021
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, A couple of days ago my class and I did a performance for the Fresh and Smooth play. It was really fun and my favorite part was the bit were we split into two circle and went around the stage. I was an albatross and my friend was the yogurt container Smooth. If you do a production a good tip is to not be embarrassed if you stuff up just go with it. Blog Ya Later
Tuesday, 15 June 2021
Fresh and Smooth
Monday, 14 June 2021
Thursday, 3 June 2021
Wednesday, 26 May 2021
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
Tuesday, 11 May 2021
Cyber Smart
Monday, 10 May 2021
Tuesday, 4 May 2021
Kia Ora, I just got an achievement. That achievement is to type 15,000 characters.
Wednesday, 7 April 2021
Kia ora. this is my self portrait that I made using Polly line. The one on the left is the picture. The one on the right is the recreation. Hope you like it. BLOG YA LATER
Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Kia Ora Bloggers Felix here, This is my writing and I hope you enjoy it.
Blog Ya Later
Excessive lights flashed in my face as the helicopter plummeted to the ground in a ferocious ball of fire.
shuddering violently the helicopters 4 propellers snapped in two.
Increasing pain was all he could feel as his noradrenaline lowered and his vision blurred into darkness.
Friday, 26 March 2021
Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Friday, 19 March 2021
Kia Ora my name is Felix and this is my writing hope you like it Blog Ya Later
Thunderous applause cracked the silence in two as team New Zealand crashed threw the finish line. The voices of 10’s of thousands of people screamed there loudest cheering the winners on as Italy slacked behind hundreds of meters away from the finish. I sucked in a long breath getting ready to scream my tiny little brain off.
I was the happiest boy in the whole solar system as I handed my emirates team New Zealand Tshirt to Peter berling and he signed it. I was the happiest boy ever
Friday, 12 March 2021
Wednesday, 10 March 2021
When I'm....
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
Friday, 5 March 2021
Why I like MUD
Kia Ora Bloggers I am going to be taking you on a journey,
A Journey that will teach you about the ways of the Mud
A Journey that will teach you about how Mud Was born
A Journey that will teach you about the Mud prophecy
Let us begin,
It all started long long ago in a place named Mud Land. The people in mud land were very pore and usually didn't have enough money for food. There was one family of Mud people that wasn't pore, in fact they were rich. That had all of the dirt and all of the water. They were the original Mud people. Living for Hundreds of thousands of years. The Mud People worshipped the elders but the People didn't have a choice. The elders Took what they wanted throwing the people of Mud Land into chaos. The Mud People would not except that fact they were living to serve the elders. The people of Mud Land came together and disgust a plan. At Dawn 1st of January they all came together getting ready for the master plan they had constructed, grabbing swords and clubs the Mud People charged the castle that the elders had forced the Mud People to construct. The Elder woke with a start. They heard banning and it wasn't the bang of a tree falling down in the wind or a rouge wind blowing down some tall artefact. It was banning of hundreds of clubs and swords hitting the fount gate of the castle. It was another 20 seconds before the sirens began to wail. The sirens that told every guard in the castle that the weak Mud Land People had declared War and they would not wait for the Elders to prepare. WOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOO That was the sound that the Elders solders woke up to. Clarese one of they newest solders eyes flew open. What is that noise? Clarese thought to herself. Wait I know this noise, this is the noise we trained on last week it mean the Mud People were declaring wait WAR.
Clarese jumped out of bed grabbed a spear and ran for the battle field.
This is Part one of the MUD series.
This is true and is what inspired me to become a preferential mud eater.
Part Two coming soon
MUD Ya Later
My Love Of MUD
Kia Ora Fellow Mud Eaters, this is a poem that I wrote to make people like MUD.
Here it is.
I like Mud
I like Mud
I like Mud Mud Mud Mud MUD
I like Mud
I Like Mud
I like Mud Mud Mud Mud MUD
I eat lots of mud
It taste nice.
Like KFC
I eat Mud
Lots of Mud
Yummy Mud
Lots Of Mud
Tasty Mud
Lots Of Mud
I like Mud
I also like Mud
I like Mud
I like Mud
I like Mud Mud Mud Mud MUD
I like Mud
I like Mud
I like Mud Mud Mud Mud MUD
I eat lots MUD
Tasty Mud
That Is My Poem.
Thursday, 4 March 2021
Kia Ora Blogger this is my Bow.
It doesn't look like one until I push the button.
I made this from an umbrella.
Blog Ya Later
Wednesday, 3 March 2021
Blog blurb
My blog blurb
Greeting e.g Kia ora, Talofa, Hola | Hello |
Introduce self e.g my name is... | My name is Felix |
What class and year you are in | I am in Room 6 year 6 |
A learning goal for you e.g. I want to learn all my basic facts or I want to get better at... | I want to complete Xtra math |
I like to… e.g play soccer and | I like playing handball |
My favourite… e.g food is pizza or favourite colour is green | My favourite food Is KFC and my favourite colour is red |
An interesting fact about you e.g I have 2 dogs and 3 cats | I have a bird and two houses and a three story house is one of the two |
Message for your visitors visiting your blog- e.g come and check out all my awesome learning this year | Save yourself |
Sign off e.g Hasta la vista, blog ya later | Felix Blog Ya later |
My new plant
Friday, 26 February 2021
Thursday, 25 February 2021
Short Cuts
Kia Ora Felix here, this is my slide on Short cuts. I Think that these are the most helpful short cut and you will all need them. Do you have and more useful short cuts that you would like to share?
Blog Ya Later
Kawa of Care
Tuesday, 23 February 2021